In stand-off, keeping an eye on the nuclear ball
In the conventional escalation along the LAC, India cannot afford to ignore China’s expanding nuclear arsenal.
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Spinning out of hand
Government’s headline management strategy has clearly gone awry
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Military further tightens grip over Imran administration
The military establishment in Pakistan has used the havoc caused by the Covid-19 pandemic to increase its control over the Imran Khan-led Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government. The pandemic has devastated the already stumbling economy of Pakistan. The poor handling of Covid-19 by the PTI government helped the all-powerful military to increase its grip on the civilian administration. In recent months, key positions in the civilian administration have been taken over either by serving officers up to the rank of lieutenant generals or former military officials handpicked by the top brass.
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Sino Indian Faceoff: An Inflection Point in Relations
The ongoing Sino-Indian faceoff at several points in Ladakh as well as at Naku La in Sikkim have brought the relationship to an inflexion point. While examining the extraordinary gravity of this face off -- a product of Chinese duplicity and aggression--clarity about its causative factors is imperative in order to determine India's moves to address this issue.
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The race for Covid19 vaccine
Biotechnology emerging as a major element in global power equations.
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China’s hobnailed boot on Hong Kong’s neck
At a time when the world is distracted by the Wuhan virus pandemic, China has stepped up its plan to annex Hong Kong fully.
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Looking beyond crises
Lack of strategic vision in the NDA has caused it to fail at economic management.
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What happened at World Health Assembly?
There is considerable confusion as to what happened in the diplomatic bridge game between rising China and declining US, declining at an accelerated pace under President Trump, who holding trumps got trumped badly by President Xi Jinping who finessed to perfection with his weaker hand.
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Sino-Indian border tension: Deja Vu all over again?
And India and China are at it again – soldiers clashing at the borders, growing transgressions, diplomats talking tough and armies boosting their presence in critical sectors. Like a bad memory, Sino-Indian border tensions have a way of making their presence felt at precisely the moment they are least needed. The world is struggling with Covid-19 pandemic and governments across the world are busy trying to get their heads around how to deal with a health and an economic crisis it has engendered to the best of their abilities. India is no different where the health crisis is yet to peak even as a burgeoning economic crisis is challenging its policymakers. We are told by many that big picture strategic issues can take a backseat as day to day management of a growing humanitarian crisis should be our priority.
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Regional dimensions of global response to COVID-19
The regional approach to collectively combat the pandemic may have allowed global institutions such as the United Nations and its agencies to engage regional mechanisms.
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