The growing Threat posed by Cyber Attacks against Critical Infrastructure
All democratic States must urgently step up their efforts to counter cyber attacks against critical infrastructure facilities. We have no doubt that in some parts of the world state and non-state actors are prepared to use cyber tools and technologies for destructive purposes. It is easy to imagine the devastating impact which could be caused by such attacks on hospitals, airports, drinking-water systems, power plants or nuclear facilities. This is not science fiction. Dozens of serious attacks have been recorded over the past years. Here are just a few examples of many taken from the report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (USA). July 2018: the department of Homeland security revealed that a campaign by Russian hackers had compromised the networks of multiple U.S. electric utilities and put the attackers in a position where they could have caused blackouts. July 2018: Singapore’s largest healthcare institution was targeted by state-sponsored hackers, leading to the leakage of personal information for 1.5 million patients. December 2018: Chinese hackers were found to have compromised the EU’s communication systems. Moreover, about 75% of health care industry has been infected by malware over last year (Re: SecurityScorecard). Only 38% of global organization claim they are prepared to handle a sophisticated cyber attack (Re: Cybint News). Over the last number of years we have seen one warning sign after another. Despite all this, today our critical infrastructure are grossly under-protected. Given the gravity of the situation, we must say that too many governments have shown complacency on this issue.
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