The Movie Star and the Absolute Monarch
George Clooney has called for a boycott of Brunei-owned luxury hotels -located in the UK, France, Italy and the US- over the sultanate’s imposition of the death penalty for gay sex and adultery. By doing so, the American actor is throwing the spotlight on the poor situation of gays in many countries around the world. It must be recalled that homosexuality was already illegal in Brunei, but the Sultan Hassanal Bolkish made it a capital offence. That being said, many other leaders share the Sultan’s position on this subject. The following is a brief summary of the situation around the globe (Re.The Week). Africa tops the list of anti-gay legislation with 33 nations including Algeria, Cameron, Egypt, Kenya, Morocco and Senegal criminalizing homosexual activities. In the Middle-East only 4 countries -Bahrein, Israël, Iraq and Jordan- do not outlaw homosexuality. With regard to Central, South and East Asia we must underline that besides Brunei, 3 countries -Afghanistan, Pakistan and Myanmar- adopted a very hard anti-gay legislation. It should also be stressed that India’s Supreme Court decriminalized gay sex only very recently. Today about 40% of the world’s population live in countries where people can be prosecuted on the basis of their sexual orientation (Re.ILGBT). Obviously, there is still a lot to be done to protect the millions of people across the world who are victims of this type of violence and discrimination.
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