The Invasion of our Privacy
Despite our denials we gladly sacrifice privacy for the sake of convenience. How could we today live without the Internet or a credit card? It is impossible in a professional environment. And it will also become more and more difficult in our private and family life. We are more connected that we have ever been before. It is estimated that by the end of 2015 more than 3.4 billion people will use internet and among them more than 2 billion will use social networks. And we are increasingly required by private companies or public authorities to disclose our personal information. Yes, we live in the century of Big Data and the protection of the private sphere seems to be a rearguard battle. In fact, a majority of people just think that the protection of privacy is impossible in the digital age. Of course, the misuse of the Internet, and in particular of personal data, is widely recognized. Viruses and attacks on the Internet and the Web are proliferating and are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Personal data is easily available. And social network sites invite users to generate always more personal data and eventually users often do so voluntarily. A few clicks are enough to give to other people your personal profile and thus become the product which will be sold. But finally, we should perhaps accept the limit on privacy as an integral part of our modern life. Policy makers and of course new technologies (cryptographic techniques etc..) will be crucial to assist the citizens in this fight to defend privacy.
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