The Best Story in the World
"This is the best story in the world today". These words were spoken by Jim Yong Kim, World Bank Group President, and refer to the poverty eradication. The latest World Bank report is undeniably a good news: poverty eradication on planet Earth or more specifically the eradication of extreme poverty seems today an achievable goal. This ambitious target should be reached by 2030. The Bank projects that global poverty will have fallen from 902 Million people or 12.8% of the global population in 2002 to 702 Million people or 9.6% of the global population by the end of 2015. This significant improvement in the situation of the most deprived is mainly the result of strong growth rates in numerous development countries in recent years. Poverty is declining in all regions except of course in zones of conflict especially in Africa and the Middle-East. And as regards India, the report pointed out that the country's poverty rate was the lowest among nations having a large number of poor population. And this achievement is also the result of massive investments in the Indian education system, the ongoing progress in the electrification of the country and particularly in rural areas and the strengthening of the health care system. However, the economic growth outlook is looking a bit bleaker for emerging countries in the near future. And a slowdown on world's GDP growth forecast has just been reported by the IMF. Despite all that, we remain optimistic about the objective of eradicating extreme poverty by 2030.
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