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As regards Food Supply even Europe might be Vulnerable

Contrary to what one might think the overall food supply situation is not guaranteed even in Europe. However, the fact remains that despite lockdowns in the food service sector the EU food supply system has demonstrated that even in a pandemic period it was still able to meet consumer demand inside and outside the territory of the European Community. The global food security index measures the state of food affordability, availability and safety resilience in 113 countries around the world. It must be stressed that 14 European countries are in the world Top 20. And the three leading countries in this ranking are Finland, Ireland and the Netherlands. Central and Eastern European countries including Bulgaria, Slovakia and Hungary are the lowest ranked countries in the EU. That said, the global climate change but also intensive farming are the main reasons which explain the erosion of food security across the world. And Europe has not escaped to this alarming situation. It must be noted that despite this challenging environment only 31 countries have a dedicated Food Security Agency (Re.GFSI). Food production shocks resulting from climate change could increase even in Europe. It is therefore time for Governments to build a real food strategy in order to guarantee a regular and varied supply to their populations.

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