An Iron Fist in a Silk Glove : China's aggressive Strategy in Europe
What is behind the pretty name Silk Road ? Quite simply, an exceptional political, industrial and commercial offensive by the Chinese authorities throughout the world. This massive investment is estimated at more than $900 Billion. After Asia and Africa, China is extending its influence in Europe. The construction of port infrastructures in Asia and of road infrastructures in Africa are the milestones of the concept of Silk Road. The US administration has turned hostile to Chinese investments. Therefore, Chinese authorities focused on supporting investment in Europe. According to Baker Mc Kenzie the value in the first six months of 2018, of completed Chinese investments was six time higher in Europe -$12 Billion- than in North America - $2 Billion-. The UK, Germany and France are the top destinations for Chinese investment. These three countries have finally decided to react in order to avoid the siphoning- off of their high-tech industries. According to the latest survey of the European Chamber of Commerce in China two-thirds of the managers polled have confirmed that there is a lack of reciprocity between the access to China's market than they get and the access China's companies get to Europe. That is the reality on the ground. Therefore, European negotiators need to stand strong and need to send now a clear message of firmness to the Chinese authorities: concerning market access we are rightly to expect full reciprocity.
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